When we look at today's world, where history is flowing faster than ever, migration is a fact that everyone accepts. The changes and consequences caused by wars, environmental disasters, epidemics and economic crises force people to move away from their homes. Migration affects almost everyone's life to a greater or lesser extent.

Although migration is seen as a difficult situation created by necessity for people on the move who have left their homeland despite all kinds of difficulties, this movement is also a decision of commitment to life and the dream of a beautiful future.

Migration occurs due to the desire to be safe but it may also create cultural conflict in host countries as immigrants bring their diverse traditions, cultures, beliefs, customs and even languages ​​with them as they move. Although this situation, which appears as overlapping(imbricated) identities, can lead to polarization at first, it also hybridizes these distinctive plurality over time, repositioning the immigrant identity, and enriching the social structure by adding cultural values ​​to the destination country.

Every migrant has a story. The exhibition, which aims to mediate between those who experience the phenomenon of migration and those who do not know or do not want to know about it, will bring up the domestic and cross-border issues and tell the stories of the Others through the eyes of the artists.


The ownership of the organization of the exhibition belongs to Istanbul Bilgi University Center for Migration Research. Assistant Prof. Gülay Uğur Göksel organizes the exhibition on behalf of the center. The exhibition is planned with international participation. The curator of the exhibition is Denizhan Özer.


The exhibition will meet with the audience at the santralistanbul Energy Museum taken into consideration of the structure of the works produced by the artists and the accessibility of the works to the audience.


The exhibition will be held between 16 December 2021 and 7 February 2022.


After the opening speeches, the exhibition will be opened to the public will be held. Apart from these, performances and music concerts are considered during the opening of the exhibition. Necessary efforts on this subject are ongoing and the finalization of these opening events will be included in the final program in the coming days.